War thunder mission modern tank battle
War thunder mission modern tank battle

war thunder mission modern tank battle

Tens of thousands of War Thunder players, that have completed at least one Ground Forces HQ mission and entered the game in the last 30 days, have already been invited or will be in the next few days.

war thunder mission modern tank battle

The biggest wave of CBT invitations is currently in full swing.

war thunder mission modern tank battle

There may be some problems with news display in specific browser versions. I hope you one day learn a better comeback than “Go play a different game that is also fun in its own way that I hate because I have a superiority complex” and you grow up.Attention! This news was published on the old version of the website. But have fun squinting at your screen to see your shells land because what my opinion is doesn’t change anything about the game. Your precious realistic is arcade-y as any other mode. You couldn’t look out of broken optics, a thrown track was the only thing *ever* repairable outside of a cap zone, reload times depended on the movement of the tank, and half your crew died when your light tank crashed into a telephone pole at 60KPH. Imagine how sucky the game would be if dead crew took over a minute to replace, o Even Sim has the same hand holding that Realistic has. Get out of here with your “muh realistic has no handholding” mentality. It is, and I apologize of I didn’t spell it out for you, a *Few lines* on the screen that are used to show you where your shells landed which would be completely visible in real life at these distances. If this is how you act when it’s some random person suggesting a minor feature would be helpful then I feel really bad for you. Realistic is fine and it’s not like the feature will ever be added to naval RB so calm yourself. Never said that I wanted RB to have spotting like arcadeĢ.

War thunder mission modern tank battle